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A labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed with the goal of reducing the length of the labia minora. As one of the most common vaginal rejuvenation procedures today, a labiaplasty can truly help to boost the confidence of a female patient as it can help to:

  • Improve the aesthetic appearance of a woman’s genitalia
  • Improve asymmetry
  • Eliminate or reduce any pain, discomfort and/or irritation
  • Assist with intimacy-related issues
  • Improve a patient’s self-confidence

Labiaplasty Candidates

Patient’s seeking a cosmetic or functional improvement of the labia minora should consider a labiaplasty as a permanent treatment option to reduce the labia minora, reduce asymmetry, or to reduce any friction, tugging, twisting, or discomfort that they may be experiencing. There are generally no preclusions from undergoing a labiaplasty, however, the patient must be deemed an appropriate surgical candidate, be in good overall health, and may be required to obtain medical clearance from their primary care physician in advance of their procedure. By closely analyzing patient concerns and expectations, Dr. Blaine will contour a patient’s labia minora to match both their emotional and physical needs. With a goal of improving overall comfort and confidence, a woman is a suitable labiaplasty candidate if they’ve experienced any of the following:

  • Labia hypertrophy
  • Elongated or enlarged labia minora or majora
  • Tearing during childbirth
  • Repeated pain throughout the day
  • Pain during intercourse
  • Hygiene difficulties

The Procedure

At your consultation visit, Dr. Blaine will take note of a patient’s concerns and evaluate the patient’s genital anatomy. A labiaplasty surgery is commonly performed in an outpatient setting with patients returning home from their procedure the very same day. Dr. Blaine will reduce the profile of the labia minora for a natural look and one that appropriately fits the patient’s expectations. In one method, a wedge is resected from each side to reduce the labia minora. The second approach, and often the most common, is referred to as the trim method. At the time of your consultation, Dr. Blaine will review with you in-depth which method would be best suited to address your specific needs.

Labiaplasty Recovery

After a labiaplasty, it is normal to experience some minor pain and/or irritation in the immediate postoperative period. Most patients recover quite quickly following this procedure, with a majority returning to work and other normal daily activities within the first 48-72 hours. As with any surgical procedure, we do often recommend that our labiaplasty patients refrain from any exercising and/or heavy lifting for the first 4 weeks after surgery.

While pain medication may be prescribed to you to help minimize any postoperative pain, many patients will often forego prescribed pain medication for other over-the-counter pain reliever options. We do advise our patients to also consider using a cold pack to also help reduce any discomfort and swelling as needed. Patients should avoid intercourse and use a pad instead of a tampon for the first 4-6 weeks

Labiaplasty Near You

As a board-certified female plastic surgeon, no one knows or understands the female body better than Dr. Christine Blaine. Her expertise in cosmetic surgery has allowed patients to regain the confidence they’ve been looking for and help patients achieve their cosmetic and reconstructive goals. At Blaine Plastic Surgery, we intimately understand that female health issues are often difficult to openly discuss, and we are proud to offer a welcoming and private environment where our patients can feel comfortable discussing any, and all of their concerns. To learn more about a labiaplasty procedure and other vaginal rejuvenation offerings, or to schedule a consultation today, please contact our plastic surgery office located in the greater New York City area.