Having a child is one of the best rewards that life can give. However, some of the negative side effects that come after childbirth, such as weight gain and body distortion can have new mothers feeling uncomfortable in their own skin. Even with a strict diet and exercise routine, some moms cannot get rid of loose abdominal skin, stretch marks, and sagging breasts. That’s why they choose to restore their youthful appearance with a mommy makeover procedure!
What is a Mommy Makeover?
A mommy makeover procedure consists of a combination of procedures to help new moms regain their confidence. Some common procedures of a mommy makeover include breast augmentation, body contouring, tummy tuck, and skin rejuvenation. Each mommy makeover is tailored to fit a patient’s individual wants and needs.
Mommy makeovers are extremely popular because several cosmetic procedures can be combined with a single recovery period. It allows mothers to get the rest they need and deserve without sacrificing too much time. Whether a woman is insecure about her stretch marks, sagging from breastfeeding, or loose skin on her abdomen, a mommy makeover can help give her a body she is comfortable showing off, even with a baby on her hip!
How Long Should a Woman Wait After Childbirth Before a Mommy Makeover?
All cosmetic surgeons can agree that every woman’s safe period of when to have a mommy makeover is different. For some women, they are safe to have this procedure 3 months after childbirth. Other women will need to wait a year before it is safe for them to have a mommy makeover. Below are some of the questions women should ask themselves to see how long they should wait before having this procedure:
- Am I Sure I Don’t Want Any More Children?
- Women who are interested in this procedure should put it on hold until they are positive they are not having more children. This is to avoid repeat surgery in the future, costing extra time and money.
- Has my Body Fully Recovered from Pregnancy?
- This answer varies widely from woman to woman. If a woman does not give her body adequate time to fully recover from pregnancy, her body may change after the procedure. In addition, a woman should give her body enough time to fully heal so she knows exactly what parts of her body she wants to focus on during her procedure.
- How Long do I Plan on Breastfeeding?
- Women should wait anywhere between three to six months until after they have stopped breastfeeding to undergo this procedure. This ensures that the breasts are finished changing.
- How Much Help do I Have?
- It’s important to keep in mind that a mommy makeover procedure requires a recovery period. In addition to taking it easy when caring for their infant, women who undergo this surgery should refrain from household activities for about 2-4 weeks.
When Should I Consult a Plastic Surgeon About a Mommy Makeover?
No matter if it’s a day, a week, or a month after childbirth, you can schedule a consultation with a plastic surgeon anytime about your mommy makeover procedure. Some like to schedule a consultation as soon as possible to find the optimal time to have the procedure. Others like to wait to see how their body changes after childbirth and to regulate their hormones so any residual pregnancy hormones do not affect their decision.
With her training in psychobiology, Dr. Christine Blaine has keen insight on how to meet her patients’ individual wants and needs. She knows that each of her patients desires and expectations are unique and is with them throughout the entire experience to ensure they are happy, safe, and comfortable. For more information on crafting your individual mommy makeover procedure, be sure to give her a call today: (631) 470 – 2000.
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