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How Do I Know if I Need a Breast Lift?

Woman in white push up bra on gray background.

Have your breasts changed over time?  Do you notice your breasts don’t fill bras or clothing the way you would like?  Perhaps you’ve come to realize this consequence after weight fluctuations or pregnancy. Or perhaps you’ve always felt this way! A breast lift is a common cosmetic surgery procedure that addresses these very common breast…

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Breast Lift Incision Types

Woman checking her breasts shape in front of the mirror.

Did you know that there is more that goes into the consideration of a breast lift than simply determining if it is the right option for you? Once you decide that you are interested in a breast lift, you will need to work with your plastic surgeon to determine which incision type is best for…

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Dr. Blaine Approved as a Member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Dr. Blaine

Blaine Plastic Surgery is thrilled to announce that Dr. Christine Blaine has been approved as a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). This highly-regarded organization is made up of The American Board of Physician Specialties (ABPS). They are board-certified plastic surgeons who are dedicated to the art, science, and safe practice…

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Lunchtime Lipo: Learn the Basics

Brunette woman in underwear lies on the bed.

“Lunchtime Lipo” may be a newer term, but the procedure itself is the same tried and true liposuction that has been performed across the world for decades. Lunchtime Lipo refers to a liposuction procedure performed under local anesthesia in relatively quick procedure time. Often times when a patient thinks of liposuction, they assume it must…

Read more about Lunchtime Lipo: Learn the Basics

Safety Standards for Office-Based Surgery

Operating room.

When a patient is considering undergoing a cosmetic surgical procedure, there are many factors to consider as part of the decision-making process. Due diligence requires prospective patients to seek out the best possible balance between the following factors: aesthetic goals, medical risk, and financial investment. One of the most important factors in selecting a surgeon…

Read more about Safety Standards for Office-Based Surgery

Patients of Blaine Plastic Surgery can look forward to gaining self-confidence and a sense of well-being from looking, feeling and functioning at their very best.